Medivh: Yet prisoners they are, good King. The people of Lordaeron have suffered enough without becoming prisoners in their own lands. King Terenas: I will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims, ambassador. As I have said, the Kirin Tor are already prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine. Even if this plague does pose a threat to us, what are you proposing that we do? Kirin Tor Ambassador: It is simple. Ambassador: Plague? You wizards are just being paranoid! Ambassador: Let's keep all this in perspective. How many times must I repeat myself? King Terenas, you must heed my warning! This plague that has gripped the northlands could have dire ramifications. My nation will not stand by and watch as the Horde masses on our very doorstep! Kirin Tor Ambassador: The orcs are not our primary concern here.

Ambassador 3: Agreed, the Horde is on the move! Ambassador 4: This is absurd. Ambassador 2: Certainly the recent attacks against the internment camps are evidence enough. The Warning Ambassador 1: We've received reports that the orcs are regrouping. You must rally the Horde and lead your people to their destiny! Seek me out. As mortal armies rush blindly towards their doom, the Burning Shadow comes to consume us all. Heroes arise to challenge fate, and lead their brethren to battle.

The remnants of the past scar the land, which is besieged once again by conflict. Thrall's Vision Medivh: The sands of time have run out, son of Durotan. We stand now, upon the brink of destruction, for the reign of chaos has come at last.

Until the day the sky rained fire, and a new enemy came upon us. Like fools we clung to the old hatreds, and fought as we had for generations. Old Man: (voice-over) We never paid any heed to the ancient prophecies. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002) Cinematics Introduction 2 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003).